Inside Out - Intestine Lighting


There are a growing number of surface materials and product-based projects that seek to readdress the way in which we manufacture our consumables, notably the controlling and reduction of material waste and the reuse of those that persist within the making process. Inside Out offers a fresh approach to the leftovers of the meat industry.

The seductive glow from within the twisted and curved balloon animal-esque forms comes from LED lamps inserted, rather ironically, inside cow’s intestines. These ‘second life’ functional objects have another subtle layer to their concept: much like the animals that helped produce them, the organic nature of the material itself means that they will slowly perish over time. Designer Kathrine Barbo Bendixen doesn’t see this as a problem, more of a poetic connection to place:

‘The design is meant for sustainable restaurants; with their new dishes they may also have to introduce new lights.’

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