Design Life: Stephanie Tudor


Stephanie Tudor’s work focuses on the power of tactility, involving unlikely materials to create wall panels and interiors that truly celebrate texture. By forging a bond between nature and urban environments, Tudor actively encourages exploration through our sense of touch.

In her work, you’ll often find juxtaposition between smooth and rough surfaces, while discovering the placement of industrial materials for a more conventional use – all in dedication to creating manipulated materials for bespoke interiors and architecture, with a strong focus on naturally occurring pattern.

We caught up with Stephanie on her latest projects and the inspiration behind the ideas…


What three things can't you be without when designing?

"The great outdoors – so much of my inspiration and drive comes from the natural environment. Not just the pretty things, the raw and dirty things too. Bringing overlooked materials to the fore makes you appreciate them in a different way.

"A clear desk with a cup of tea – somewhere calm where I can lie out all my gathered objects and materials and start experimenting. But nothing would happen without a cuppa.

"The radio – it keeps me sane (depending on the station)."


If you had to pick one, what is your favourite material?

"That’s a tricky one… there is nothing more satisfying than understanding the properties of a new material, but if I had to pick it would be plaster for its versatility – from moulds, to mock-ups to final pieces. For me it serves as the perfect blank canvas against which I can intensify the qualities of the other materials I combine with it."


What project that you've been involved with are you most proud of?

"It is still in progress, but I am most proud of a 10 metre long bar-top, due to be installed in a hotel in Notting Hill. It is one of my first commissions and certainly the largest!"


What project do you wish you'd been involved with?

"BIG Architects Superkilen park project (below) – an amazing urban regeneration project stretching between ethnically and socially diverse neighbourhoods in Copenhagen. Each section of the park has a totally different theme and purpose, and combines iconic objects from each of the nationalities of the surrounding areas as a way to connect the people who use it. They have such a playful and engaging sense of design – it would be my dream to work with BIG in the future!"


And what is next on the agenda for you/what upcoming work are you most excited about?

"I have a couple of residential commissions coming up – I enjoy designing for these as you can respond to intimate and personal spaces. One is for a bathroom, the idea to create an immersive and evocative environment whilst still being comfortable and practical!"


To find out more about Stephanie Tudor, visit her website.

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